Elvin Işlak

Welcome to the age of 17, where nothing satisfies your expectations.
It is an emotional rollercoaster being a teenager already, but nothing is more challenging than being 17. You are practically not a kid anymore (although parents would like to disagree), but you are also definitely not an adult who can make logical decisions (which your friends would most likely agree with). So, it is a dilemma where you feel like everything and nothing all at once. But no need to worry, nobody can relate to you better than a 17-year-old me.
At the age of 12-14, you literally cannot wait to grow up, most likely because of the effect of American rom-com films and series. It feels like the age of 17 is so big, you expect that when you are 17, you are going to be so different and much cooler. But unfortunately, that is not how it works. You start to become unreasonably aggressive and stubborn (probably because of hormones). You want everything to go the way you want, which is understandable. But life is not all sunshine and rainbows, so there will be times where you have to give up what you want. But it is not as horrible as you think, because 17 is the age where you experience these kinds of things. You start to mature and see things from a different point of view. One thing a teenager hates is to be proven wrong. All the decisions you make have a reason behind them. Sometimes when the decision doesn't end up well, look at the positive way and learn something out of it. Do not hang up on that for the next 4 months, move on. Parents sometimes will not understand the things you are going through, or they realize it, but you do not want to talk about it. It is hard for them too, seeing that their baby is growing up, they do not come around to that fact so quickly. I sometimes lash out at them just because they did not close my door. I mean, is this as critical as I think? Not really. But it is normal. You do not have to beat yourself up for your sudden emotional outbursts. There will be days where you feel miserable and angry, and that’s fine. If you bottle up your emotions, in the end, it is going to hurt much more than it’s supposed to. And you are going to end up worse than how you were.
Something tricky about being a teenager is your friendships. All the drama, the gossip, the tears, and the anger. You are going to meet with people you wish you've never met, but also people that you cannot think your life without. The important thing is to make sure who values you as a friend and who doesn’t. There is no need for you to waste your time with annoying people that think they’re better than everyone. Don’t care about being popular or not. Care about who makes you happy and comfortable the most. That is when the biggest joys of your life will take place. In situations like these, I remind myself that “quality over quantity”. My life would be awful if I had 10 friends and none of them give a single thought about me. I have 3 best friends that I wouldn’t change for the world. They are the ones that make me happy when I feel sad and unmotivated.
I think you get that being 17 is not easy. Old people say that it is our prime years, and maybe they are right. But don’t feel defeated or sad because your life is not the same as the millions of other teenagers. Everyone’s life is different and enjoyable as it is. There is no need for you to change just to “fit in”. Do whatever makes you happy. Spend time at home or go out every chance you get. Eat whatever you want or buy whatever you wish. It is up to you to decide. Don’t let other people hold you back. That’s the best advice I can give to you.