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“The Fault In Our Stars” is a book by award winning American author John Green. He writes about young adult fiction. And his sixth novel “The Fault In Our Stars” is about a 16-year-old girl Hazel Grace who has been diagnosed with a thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. And because of her mother’s insistence she attends to a support group for cancer patients where she meets handsome and charming 17-year-old-boy Augustus Waters.

Augustus had a osteosarcoma (type of bone cancer) and it caused him to lose his leg. Two of them agree to read each other’s favorite novels. Agustus is frustrated learning that Hazel’s favorite novel “An Imperial Affliction” ends without a conclusion so after he finishes reading they start having conversations about how it could end. And Augustus says that he contacted the author's assistant. The two wrote questions about the book’s ending but the author replies that he can only answer if only they visit him in Amsterdam so Agustus surprises Hazel with tickets to Amsterdam. Unfortunately they don’t get answers for their questions but Augustus confesses his love to Hazel and finally they become lovers. When they return Augustus’s health worsens. And after his death Hazel learns that he was writing a sequel to “An Imperial Affliction” just for Hazel. Their story reminds us that even though tough times love can bring out the best in us and be full of positivity, poetic and humorous even when you know there’s no chance of ever having a good end. But most importantly, it makes you think about how strong love is, how short a life can be, and how just one person can change your life.